Today is the birthday of Niall McGrath (@niallmcgrath4) a good friend and repeat participant of the MMA Road Show. I wished him a happy birthday on twitter and while looking for a gif for our favorite show beverage, I stumbled upon some gems of commercials for the award winning Pabst Blue Ribbon. Some of these I don’t recall ever seeing and boy they are something. I figured I would share with you, because we all need something to look forward to after a hard day’s work.

1) This one stars the young man that would someday star in a movie where many of these were drank and thrown around in bar fight scenes

2) For the fitness minded

3) No Mint Julip for us

4) This was the movie role Morgan was born for

5) Cool graphic version

6) This is a gem of a fan created commercial. But seriously wtf

7) Old skool. Pabst certainly speaks for itself

8) Don’t say the wrong beer

There are a ton of other weird ones out there, but I think we can safely say what is on your mind now. Cheers
